Is it “mean” to want to have one conversation that isn’t about alcohol?

Is it “mean” to want to have one conversation that isnt about alcohol?

Quote from The Twilight Saga, New Moon:


Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars--points of light and reason...And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything." New Moon, Edward Cullen.

Ask yourself, two questions before jumping into a love affair.
1. Will loving this person help me to grow?
2. Will loving this person cause me to stagnant and stop growing?

 If the "artistic endeavor"  he and i worked on together could be classified , it would have been called perfect and beautiful. Kind of like my love for him.

Everyone I was around could tell I had an unmatchable determination while I working with him on  an "artistic endeavor" but I harbored a secret. What allowed me to do it was my love for him. 

 I was so in love with a  guy that needed to be show what true compassion was and what unwavering support looked like. It was foreign to him. I stood by the mantra, that if loving this guy was wrong, I didn't what to be right. But loving him affected every bit of my life.

 I do believe there are different kinds of love. Some people you will love won't love you back and won't have your best interest at heart. And some people you love will bring wonderful things into your life.

Loving him unconditionally was hard, loving him made me feel entirely overwhelmed and I stopped growing in this relationship. I felt as though I was stagnating.  The intention was good but the execution was awful.

I needed to work on myself more before I could really love him.

So I let him go maybe forever.

I learned the hard way :
 If you love someone, you can't make them change, you can only inspire them to change.






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Существует три вида углеводов: Моносахариды Дисахариды Полисахариды У всех углеводов нет азота(N). В стабильной форме клетки они находятся в двух состояниях моносахарид: шестиуглеродные молекулы - гексозы пятиуглеродные молекулы - пентозы Дисахариды - это различные комбинации пентоз и гексоз. Полисахарид - это разветвленные биополимеры состоящие из переодических соединений мономеров.

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Контракт факторинга
Александра Анисимова. Санкт-Петербург, Российская Федерация 12.07.2004 Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Александра», (Российская Федерация, Санкт-Петербург), зарегистрированное Инспекцией по налогам и сборам России (ИМНС Петроградского района Санкт-Петербурга) 05.02.2003 г., регистрационный номер 0521555, ИНН 7813056248, Россия, в лице Генерального директора Анисимовой Александры  Николаевны.

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