NEW YORK PLUS PLUS The Russian Cultural News # 11

7:30-10:30; all drinks are $6; Dance Tango and/or Socialize (until 1am) $10 (includes the class).NEW YORK PLUS PLUS
The Russian Cultural News # 11
January 27, 2009
Contact: 800.585.2521

January 20 - February 18. Exhibition: PEOPLE Photography by LEONID LUBIANITSKY.
Reception: Thursday, February 5, 2009.
NEW!!! January 25 - January 31, 2009. Exhibition: Rodion Tikhomirov and Olga
Chemokhud Doty.
January 27, 2009. OUR TANGO CLUB @ Ukrainian Restaurant.
January 28, 2009. Film screening "In the Name of Life and Love", dir. Aron Kanevsky. (1985).
January 28, 2009. Nobert Yevdayev, book presentation and film screening.
- David Burliuk in America by Nobert Yevdayev, Moscow, 2008. Film “Hostages of the Future” by
R. Karmen (Senior), 2008.
January 29, 2009. One-man show JYRKI PELLINEN “The Yellow Sun” INTERART GALLERY.
January 29, 2009. Exhibition Palekh: From Icons to Souvenir Boxes to Icons.

NEW!!! January 29, 2009. Zorikto Dorzhiev Exhibition Opening.
<lj-cut text="Read more"... January 29, 2009. Evening of Alexander Zhurbin's Music. Shorefront JCC. Jan 30- Mar 01. Reception: Fri Jan 30, 7-9pm "Scene One". two new short films by YULIYA LANINA. Dam, Stuhltrager Galley January 30 - February 1, 2009. UMKA'S CONCERT. - NEW!!! January 30, 2009. New York Premiere. “Gogol Bordello Non-Stop.” Filmmaker Margarita Jimeno in person. January 30, 2009. Karina Smirnoff и Maksim Chmerkovskiy. Выступление профессиональных танцоров из телевизионной программы “Dancing With the Stars» January 30, 2009. MARKSCHEIDER KUNST CONCERT. - NEW!!! January 31, 2009. "СНЕГУРОЧКА ПРОТИВ КИБОРГА". Мюзикл Давида Тухманова и Юрия Энтина. - January 31 2009. THE EVENING WITH ERNST ZORIN. - January 31, 2009. Saturday. TRIBUTE TO ALEXANDER SLOBODYANIK. - NEW!!! February 5, 2009. Russian Jazz Caf. Borislav Strulev and Friends: Jazz Improvisation. - НЬЮ-ЙОРКСКИЙ КОНКУРС. Приз - два билета на концерт MARKSCHEIDER KUNST. - Ongoing project: mail-art calls "TICKET TO JERUSALEM". From January 1 to October 1, 2009 Ура! Зимний слёт КЗМ 2009 БУДЕТ! CONTACT January 25 - January 31, 2009. Exhition: Rodion Tikhomirov and Olga Chemokhud Doty В живописных работах Родиона Тихомирова переплетаются изысканная техника старых голландских мастеров и гротеск современности. Художник живет и работает в Нью-Йорке с 1996 года. С 2005 года он работает к ак художник-постановщик и его имя можно увидеть в титрах фильмов “The Hoax”, “ Nanny Diaries”, “Accidental Husband”, “Indiana Jones”, “X-men 3” и в ТВ шоу “Law & Order” и “3 Lb.”.National Art Club, Sculpture Court, 2nd Floor. 15 Gramercy Park South, New York NY. NEW!!!Jan 27, 2009 (Tues). Our Tango Club @ Ukrainian Restaurant. New Tango Club & Milonga: LA VIRUTA NYC Learn Tango: beginner/int class @ 7:30pm (FREE w/admission) Enjoy great food: dinner available: 7:30-10:30; all drinks are $6; Dance Tango and/or Socialize (until 1am) $10 (includes the class). Ukrainian Restaurant - 140 2 Ave. (between 8th & 9th St), East Village, NYC., :>m Wednesday, January 28, 19:00 Документальный фильм "Во имя жизни и любви: хроника одной семьи" (1985) Режиссёр - Арон Каневский. Посвящается 65-летию снятия блокады Ленинграда. В 1939 году одна девочка написала в пионерскую газету «Ленинские искры», как она собирала коллекцию насекомых и как привлекла к этому делу малышей. Один мальчик прочитал заметку и разыскал девочку. Любе исполнилось тогда 15 лет. Они подружились. А потом Лев ушел на фронт. Он ушел, чтобы отдать жизнь за родину. А на войне нужно было не умирать, а убивать. Этот рубеж дался ему нелегко. И она писала ему: «Не падай духом ни на секунду даже в эти тяжелые дни. пусть любовь моя крепит твою руку». Письма друг другу они писали каждый день. Может быть, благодаря им Любовь пережила блокаду, а Лев вернулся с фронта. И они зажили долго и счастливо. Фильм, построенный на их переписке, полной размышлений о жизни, смерти, верности, становится рассказом о любви на фоне трагических исторических событий. Фильм идет на русском языке. Central Library, Lower Level, Dweck Center 1 Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11238 718.230.2417 Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 6:30 PM Meet the Writer: Nobert Yevdayev. Book and documentary presentation: David Burliuk in America by Nobert Yevdayev, Moscow, 2008 Film “Hostages of the Future” - script by Andrey Shemjakin and Nobert Yevdayev, directed by Roman Karmen (Senior)- Moscow, 2008. David Burliuk (1882-1967), widely considered as a father of Russian futurism, great provocateur, practical organizer and energetic force behind the most significant events and publications in the early Russian Avant-garde movement, had a long and daring life. The second edition of Nobert Yevdayev's book, David Burliuk in America, an exploration of life and art of David Burliuk, based on archive material such as photographs, drawings, paintings, documents, including recently declassified Japanese police reports, many of which had been never published before. David Burliuk in America has preceded by the other book, Ogasavara During the Stay of Burliuk, written by Nobert Yevdaev in cooperation with the Japanese author, Akira Suzuki, and published in Russian and Japanese in 2006. This was a first book built on available at the time archival material, that shed lights on David Burliuk's activities in Japan during his immigration in 1920-22. The documentary, “Hostages of the Future”, was produced at the Moscow studio of documentary films and dedicated to this pioneering artist. In both, the book and documentary, Nobert Yevdayev saw his task to give an account of Burliuk's life as the artist, poet, art critic, journalist, and publisher through the less known two years period in Japan and forty-five years in the United States. RACC LITERARY SERIES Russian Bookstore No.21 174 Fifth Ave. Between 22&23 St. Organized by The Russian American Cultural Center, 500 East 77 Street # 316 New York, NY 10162. 646-831-0554, www.russianamericancultur> NEW!!!Thursday, January 29, 2009, One-man show “The Yellow Sun: A story of colors, forms and feelings“ by Jyrki Pellinen. InterArt Gallery Jyrki Pellinen (born 1940 in Helsinki) is in Finland best known for his highly acclaimed literary production, which includes over thirty works of poetry and poetic prose. He has received the National Literary Price in 1966, 1974 and 1984, and the esteemed Eino Leino Award in 1988. However, Pellinen is also a serendipitous visual mole finding his royal road, with his tentacles reverberating toward the lightwinds of color, giving form to formless, misty feelings, and nourishing unprecedented expressions. The viewers of his works have been taken by surprise ever since his first solo exhibition in 1972/ After that, he has had several exhibitions and stylistic transitions .. This New York exhibition is gathered from his first innovative period that breaks down the decorative and shifts the canvas into a de-decoy that first whispers seductively and then lets the thought-emotions be released from the traps of convention. Exhibition Opening: Zorikto Dorzhiev. January 29, Thursday, 2009. 6-8 PM Zorikto Dorzhiev was born in 1976 in Ulan Ude (Siberia). In 1991-1996 he studied in Buryat Republican College of Arts, Ulan-Ude. In 1996-2002 he studied in Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts, painting department. From 2003-2005 developed himself in the Russian Academy of Arts (the Urals, Siberia and the Far East branch), in the studio of A. P. Levitin. Show Runs until April 16th. Tibet House. 22 West 15th Street, New York, NY 10011 P. 212.807.0563 Opening reception on Jan. 29, 6-8pm. New Exhibition Palekh: From Icons to Souvenir Boxes to Icons. Fine Russian art. Palekh, the Russian folk handicraft of miniature painting with tempera on varnished objects made of papier-mch, is based on the long and glorious history of icon painting. This exhibition presents the beauty and craftsmanship of miniature lacquer art and provides an insight into the history of this amazing tradition and the people who have kept it alive. The exhibition runs concurrently with the groundbreaking cultural exchange, Two Museums, One Culture, featuring 16 icons never-before-seen in the USA on loan from the renowned State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. Fine Russian art. Palekh, the Russian folk handicraft of miniature painting with tempera on varnished objects made of papier-mch, is based on the long and glorious history of icon painting. This exhibition presents the beauty and craftsmanship of miniature lacquer art and provides an insight into the history of this amazing tradition and the people who have kept it alive. The exhibition runs concurrently with the groundbreaking cultural exchange, Two Museums, One Culture, featuring 16 icons never-before-seen in the USA on loan from the renowned State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. The Museum of Russian Icons. 203 Union Street, Clinton, Massachusetts. 978-598-5000. www.museumofrussianicons.>org. Opening - January 29, 2009, 6-8pm. Through May 1, 2009. RSVPs are requested. Thursday, January 29th at 7:30 p.m. Evening of Alexander Zhurbin's Music Shorefront Y Exclusively at the Shorefront Y, Alexander Zhurbin joins us for a memorable performance that brings the best of Russian music to New York. The New York Times calls Alexander Zhurbin "the Russian Leonard Bernstein," one of the most important Russian composers of our generation. The performance will feature music from his latest movie scores as well as popular songs, melodies and stories with special footage from the Holocaust film "The Heavy Sands" (Tyazheliy Pesok). Артистический директор - Ирина Волкович. Tickets: $15 at the door. Концерты Умки Манхэттен.Russian Bookstore No.21 274 5th Ave New York, NY 10010 30 января, пятница в 7РМ. (212) 924-5477 Квартирник. Queens. 84-38 126 Kew Gardens NY 11415. (E, F train Union Turnpike (идти 7 min). LIRR to Kew Gardens (17 min from 34 street), NY. 646.641-9266. 31 января, суббота. Бруклин. Downhouse Lounge. 250 Avenue X Brooklyn, NY 11223 1 февраля, воскресенье. 8:00РМ. Jan 30- Mar 01. Reception: Fri Jan 30, 7-9pm "Scene One". two new short films by YULIYA LANINA. Dam, Stuhltrager Galley Camera opens on closed curtain. There's noise of preparation and anticipation. Black satin hands pull back the red velvet. Cue Music. Action: Rapid flashing pans to panting and smoking. "Mishka", the latest film by Yuliya Lanina, opens in onto a debaucherious stage where characters are intent on redefining themselves. Lanina's world of animatronic actors and actresses embody sexuality, indulgence, defiance, wit, confidence, introspection and humor that enrapture viewers to want to watch. The cast, a group of robotic children's toys employed and constructed by Lanina, are immediately identifiable with conventions and confrontations of struggling to balance one's place in the world with the place one sees him/herself. Characters draw parallels to the stories splashed across headlines, whispered among circles of friends, feuded over family dinner tables and debated on personal levels in the minds of us all. Created entirely by the artist - from characters to storyline, stages, music, editing and choreography - Lanina's videos are byproducts of growing up with likes of Paul McCarthy, Madonna and Brett Eason Ellis as much as Sid and Marty Krofft, Tim Burton or Roald Dahl. In her first work incorporating animatronic sculptures, the aptly titled "Play With Me", Lanina's dark dramedy takes a page from Ed Wood's ability to be brilliantly - and unconsciously - endearing. Omnipresent reminders let the audience know they are looking directly through an artist's uncensored, honest, consuming passionate vision. Watching combines the voyeurism of spying on a child playing in their room over a webcam with the glee of attending a show where the performance was so sincere everyone in the audience felt like a V.I.P. After formally adding Lanina to their gallery, Dam, Stuhltrager introduces her films, stage sets and animatonic sculpture in "Scene One". Watch online: "Mishka" , "Play With Me" The corner of Marcy & Hope is united on Jan 30th! "Scene One" opens at Dam, Stuhltrager and next door "What, Me Worry" opens at C.C.C.P. Gallery. Welcome new neighbor! Film Screening. New York Premiere. Gogol Bordello Non-Stop. Filmmaker Margarita Jimeno in person. January 30, 2009., 8:00pm From New York City's sensational Russo-disco scene to a non-stop touring marathon with his band Gogol Bordello, Eugene Htz takes us deep into his artistic life and influences. The story unfolds over five years, beginning in 2001, with Eugene's days of DJing the Bulgarian Bar dance party. Picking up a lead role in Everything is Illuminated and playing more energetic shows while on tour, Eugene and Gogol Bordello progress from underground legend to international phenomenon. 92YTribeca, 200 Hudson Street. $12.00. Karina Smirnoff и Maksim Chmerkovskiy Выступление профессиональных танцоров из телевизионной программы “Dancing With the Stars". Оба танцора, которые, кажется, собираются вступить в брак, родились на Украине. Shrine. 2271 Adam Clayton Powell Jr Bl. 212. 690.7807 и 860-204-6366. http://shrinemgmfoxwoods.>comnightlife. 9PM. Справки по телефону. Нью-Йоркский конкурс. Приз - два билета на концерт группы "Markscheider Kunst". 30 января, пятница DROM - 85 Ave A, btw 5th & 6th St., NYC Когда на сцене Markscheider Kunst, в зале - супер, и за окном расцетает лето. Открыт для всех! Пол и возраст не учитываются. Цвет волос, глаз, кожи и ногтей жюри не интересуют. Прописка, социальный статус, профессия, размер налогов, вероисповедание, национальность и группа крови - не имеют значения. Важна лишь любовь к музыке... Нужно ответить в вольном стиле на 10 вопросов.Присылать ответы на>m 1. Где группа Маркшейдер Кунст встречала новый 2009 год? 2. Один «чел» назвал стиль Маркшейдер Кунст «бронебойным позитивом». А что скажете вы? 3. Откуда взялось название питерского клуба «Орландина»? 4. Составьте наиболее полный список российских групп, игравших или играющих ска и реггей. 5. Что вы предпочитает - квас или кwassa? Что у них общего и в чем разница? 6. Какие отношения у Маркшейдер Кунст с кино? 7. Как фаны называют музыкантов группы Маркшейдер Кунст? 8. Кто был главным идеологом движения растаманов? 9. На каких сайтах есть песни Маркшейдер Кунст? 10. Что такое «Ку»? New York Plus Plus ДЕТСКИЙ МУЗЫКАЛЬНО-ДРАМАТИЧЕСКИЙ ТЕАТР "ПОДСОЛНУХ” ВЕСЕЛЫЙ МЮЗИКЛ ДАВИДА ТУХМАНОВА И ЮРИЯ ЭНТИНА "СНЕГУРОЧКА ПРОТИВ КИБОРГА". Спектакль состоится 31 января 2009 года в 1 час дня в помещении центра. Стоимость билетов - 10 долларов. Приходите и подарите себе праздник радости и веселья! Sunflower Center. 262 Glen Head Road. Glen Head, NY 11545. 516) 277-1515. Дорогие родители! Большая просьба принести фотографии, сделанные на спектаклях в Вашингтоне, в Генконсульстве и в Бруклине. "Подсолнух" отбирает лучшие и готовит большой альбом-подарок для Ю.С. Энтина THE EVENING WITH ERNST ZORIN January 31 2009, Saturday. 6.30 PM Спектакли, в которых играл Эрнст Зорин в Вахтанговском театре, все вошли в Золотой Театральный фонд. «Принцессу Турандот» или «Миллионершу» можно посмотреть на DVD, скачать из сети или послушать на аудиокассете. Та же история и с фильмами. Сам Эрнт Зорин, актер и журналист, давно живет в Соединенных Штатах. Раз в год он приезжает с ыступлениями в Нью-Йорк. Если вы не утратили вкус к русскому языку, если вас по-прежнему интересует русская литература, если вы хотите послушать настоящую московскую речь, если вы любите классику, если вы считаете, что у вас отменный вкус и если вы придерживаетесь высоких стандартов - приходите на концерт. $20.00. 201 West 72 Street, .# 4"A" (Private Residence of N. Dyakovskaya) RSVP 917-856 1732 or 917-699 9013 Tribute to Alexander Slobodyanik Saturday, January 31, 2009 8:00 pm Tribute by pianists: Eteri Andjaparidze Sergei Babayan Vladimir Feltsman Alexander Korsantia Alex Slobodyanik Susan Starr Alexander Toradze Hosted by Robert Sherman For more information: Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman Center Goodman House 129 West 67th Street For Reserved Seating, call the Box Office at 212-501-3330 Admission. . New York, NY - On Saturday, January 31st, Robert Sherman will host a special performance in honor of the late, great artist of the Golden Age of the Russian School and one of the world's finest Romantic piano virtuosos, Alexander Slobodyanik, who died in August of 2008 at the age of 66. Renowned pianist and conductor Vladimir Feltsman has engaged a cast of top performing pianists for this special tribute at Merkin Concert Hall. Feltsman will be joined by Slobodyanik's longtime friends and colleagues, Eteri Anjaparidze, Sergei Babayan, Alexander Korsantia, Susan Starr and Alexander Toradze in a program of solo works by Bach, Haydn, Schubert, Schumann and Chopin. Slobodyanik's son, Alex, also a world-renowned performer, will be making a special appearance in this event dedicated to the memory of his father. An eminent master pianist, the late Alexander Slobodyanik was a protg of Sviatoslav Richter, a student of legendary Professors Henrich Neuhaus and Vera Gornostayeva, and a discovery of the great impresario Sol Hurok. The Ukrainian-born pianist earned stardom in the former Soviet Union with his fiery virtuosity and emotional interpretations of Romantic composers, and was in constant demand as a concert pianist and teacher since moving to the United States in 1989. His career spanned five decades and brought him unparalleled accolades in the world of classical music. Thu, Feb 5, 8:00 PM Russian Jazz Cafe Borislav Strulev and Friends: Jazz Improvisation In evening of jazz improvisation featuring world renowned cellist Borislav Strulev and some of the best young Russian musicians who are making their mark on the NY jazz scene. “Dazzling expertise” -The New York Times Program room assignments will be available at the JCC Customer Service Desk, in the lobby of the Samuel Priest Rose Building. $20.00. 646-505-5708. Borislav Strulev, cello Leonid Loginov Katz, piano with special guest - Mikhail Svetlov, vocal The JCC in Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave. at 76th St Exhibition: PEOPLE. Photography by LEONID LUBIANITSKY January 20 - February 27, 2009 Reception: Thursday, February 5, 6:00 - 8:00 PM Harriman Institute at Columbia University 420 West 118 Street & Amsterdam Avenue (International Affairs Building), 12 Floor Leonid Lubianitsky is one of the leading contemporary photographers and the most recognized artists in the Russian cultural community in the USA and abroad. His works were published at numbers of magazines in the USA and abroad, such as “New York Times Magazine”, “Time”, “Fortune”, People, Horizon, Look, and others. He was receiving assignments for recording companies such as “Arista”, CBS, and “Polydor”, and advertising agencies. His photography for advertising campaign for “US News and World Report” brought him ANDY award of the NY Advertising Club.In his own words, a follower of Richard Avedon and Alexei Brodovich who defined American photography of the 20's century, Leonid Lubianitsky continues traditional approach using film and photographic paper. This exhibition presents 24 portraits of Russian and American cultural icons which is a small fraction of his works, created in the USA in the years of 1970's and 1980's. Third generation photographer, he was born in Leningrad in 1938, and started to take pictures learning from his father at the age of six. At the age of seventeen, after his father's untimely death, he started to work at commercial studio to support his family. Later, he was drafted to the Soviet air force as an aerial photographer. In 1960 he started his career as a filmmaker at the Leningrad Television Studio, producing documentaries on arts and programs for children, while continuing photography as fine art as well as taking assignments for varies magazines and publishing houses. Leonid Lubianitsky immigrated to the USA in 1972. His first job was as an assistant to Richard Avedon whom he is considering as his mentor. The second significant encounter was with the editorial director at Conde Nast Publications, Alexander Liberman, who gave him the opportunity to launch his own career shooting celebrities for the Vogue magazine section “People Are Talking About”. Curated by Regina Khidekel. Russian American Cultural Center For additional information please call at: 646-831-0554. Artist contact: 212-942-9148 Ongoing project mail-art call "Ticket to Jerusalem". From January 1 to October 1, 2009 Radik Shvarts, creator & editor of, invites you to participate in his mail-art project: create artwork that represents your idea for an ideal airplane ticket to Jerusalem. Collage, drawing or any other media, preferably without use of computer. Size of the card should be 8x3". Final artwork might resemble a boarding pass, but doesn't have to. Put a stamp on it and mail it. See project website for more detailed specs. All works will be featured online, best entries will be exhibited internationally and featured in a book "Ticket To Jerusalem" that will be published at the end of 2009. Every person, whose artwork is featured in the book will get a free copy. This project is made possible by Center Without Walls, project of COJECO, funded by the UJA Federation of New York. For more Information visit Ура! Зимний слёт КЗМ 2009 БУДЕТ! СЕДЬМОЙ ЗИМНИЙ СЛЁТ КЗМ 2009 - Хана Резорт!!! 2/6/08 - 2/8/08 С пятницы по воскресенье. Hanah Mountain Resort & Country Club,Margaretville, NY 12455 | карта и дирекшн | google карта Адрес: 576 West Hubble Hill Road, Margaretville, NY 12455 Вебсайт: http://www.hanahcountrycl> Телефон: 800-752-6494 Расписание (еще может меняться) Пятница: 14:00 - Заезд в гостиницу. (Орг-состав появится до 8-и вечера. А скорее всего даже раньше.) 14:00 - 22:00 - Тусуемся в общем домике, встречаем товарищей, знакомимся, ужинаем, выпиваем, играем в биллиард, одним словом - общаемся. 22:00 - Концерт Суббота: 8:30am - Завтрак для самых пробуждённых и самых не спавших 9:30am - 4:00pm - KZM is Skiing at (10 mins from hotel) 6:00pm - Всеобщий обед в гостиннице. Если вы хотите обедать в гостинице, еду надо будет заказать заранее в пятницу во время регистрации. 8:00pm - 12:00am - Главный концерт 7го Зимнего Слёта КЗМ. Воскресение: 09:00am - Всеобщий завтрак в гостиннице. 12:00pm - Чек-Аут. Здаёте ключи и покидаете Ханну. Лыжный Спорт: Информация о концертах: All concerts, food and fun will take place at the club house, up the hill by the more expensive section. Детали о фестивальных концертах вскоре будет объявлены... Eсли вы хотите принять участие в концерте, пожалуста свяжитесь с Женей Сакирским. * Если у Вас есть информация, которую Вы хотели бы видеть в этой рассылке - пишите, звоните.Well, that's all for now. We'll be back in seven days with more news. If you enjoy this week's newsletter The Russian Cultural News, please pass it on to a friend. Regards, NEW YORK PLUS PLUS

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Флеботромбоз глубоких вен .
Флеботромбоз глубоких вен – потенциально опасное для жизни заболевание. Тромбоз магистральных вен бедра и таза может иметь первичную локализацию в глубоких венах голени или подвздошно-бедренных венах. В первые 3-4 дня тромб слабо фиксирован к стенке сосуда, возможен отрыв тромба и тромбоэмболия ветвей легочной артерии (ТЭЛА).

Hosted by uCoz