About a situation in present Byelorussia (part 1)

At first, for my frank and free appearance on the day of workers of culture of Byelorussia in the city center of culture of city of Vitebsk in October, 2006.Now, will settle very in detail to tell you once again about my very large problems which I have in Byelorussia, due to the inhuman rule of Lukashenko and system created by him. I will be very glad, if you will not remain indifferent and will help me. I understand certainly, that in Your USA now very large crisis, that can prevent you to help me. However much I assure you, that such crisis, as in Your our Byelorussia takes a place already all of time rules of Lukashenko. But there is he not only from absence in Byelorussia of money, and because of full absence at Lukashenko of brains.
I am sorry at once the very weak knowledge of English. Alas, but I not very much well know English, My main problem in cognition of English in that in Vitebsk linguistic surroundings in Vitebsk far from knowledge of English. My cognitions in English not very much strong, because in those places of city of Vitebsk where I lived, worked, sat et cetera people in English language not only does not speak but also in general behave to him negatively. Well does not sit in Vitebsky Insulator of Temporal Maintenance (Russian-language reduction of IVS) or in Oktyabrsky (October) district Department of Internal Affairs (Russian-language reduction of ROVD) of city of Vitebsk neither sirs nor peers. In addition knowledge English in those places where I was perceived in general negatively, as clever in sew on in general it is not loved a country. Only for us and in Russia expression: «you that most clever?!» sounds as an insult, whereupon usual scandal and profanity goes at the best, and at the worst is a fight. My mother tongue – it Byelorussian. Exactly on him I and write the songs. In Vitebsk to find Byelorussian-language surroundings, finding with large labour is yet possible, it is yet. And in respect of connoisseurs English, with it in Vitebsk large problems.
But there are computer electronic translators, by one of such I wrote this letter («Pragma-5»). So and to my creative activity in the USA this computer electronic translator will very help also.
Further about itself.
I am 34 years, I am divorced, from this marriage annulled a court I have a son Beliazeka Vasil 8 years. By the way I and he borned in one day – on October, 5.
I have two educations: 1) Vitebskoe school of arts (direction of holidays, ceremonies and leisure) of .2) Vitebsky state university of the name of P. M. Masherov (jurisprudence).
My words about what be going on tyranny in Byelorussia including in regard to me, eloquently can confirm the Internet. There very much it is written including about my adventures. In addition in the Internet there is yet and my living magazine which I began to conduct quite more recently, some weeks ago. His address: beliazeka.livejournal.com>. If you read this my appeal, means you found this living magazine.
Yet, unfortunately, journalists disfigure my last name constantly. Correctly my the name and last name is written as Сяргей Белязека, in the Latin variant of Siarhei Beliazeka. But in the Internet and in newspapers I found the variant of my name yet and as Сергей, and the last names and Белазека, and Белезеко, and Белязеко, and Белизика. In the English-language article, devoted events after presidential to elect 2006 I met the variant of writing my to the name and last name as Sergey Belyazeka. Possibly exist and yet some unbelievable variants of writing my to the name and last name, does not know, I did not simply notice.
If to look the same militia protocols and court decisions in regard to me in them so there are the variant reading. And all again from these problems.
Here I, by the way, would like in general to apologize for all our very tangled writing of the names, last names, place-names, that brings in complication in their translating into the English language. We complicate itself living by a presence for itself two official official languages – Russian and Byelorussian. And two variants of the name and last name can be written in our passport. I will say at once, that this double variant of writing in the passport of the name and last name I from the passport cleaned officially, leaving only the Byelorussian variant of writing it to the name and last name. For what in native Byelorussia very often exposed to the mockeries and ununderstanding. As it so can be in Byelorussia and it is written in Byelorussian language, but not on Russian. Here such for us another large marasmus.
You will judge, my last name of Belyazeka, officially in passports, translating from the Byelorussian language into Russian, translate both Belezeko (Белезеко) or Belezekov (Белезеков). And so for us generally even for brothers and sisters, The same situation for my father and his brothers, my grandfather on a paternal line and his brothers et cetera.
By a poet, excuse me, I already and does not know as and that for us correctly written in this linguistic area. Therefore similar problems, as well as for other citizens of Byelorussia, arise up and for the Byelorussian members of the opposition.
For example Крысціна Шацікава (Byelorussian variant), Кристина Шатикова (Russian variant). And in a passport in English language for us one of two variants is written, more frequent than all it is the Byelorussian variant, although far not always, as will occur that, who writes passports. Therefore it can be and Krystsina Shatsikava and Kristina Shatikova.
And if a man, which writes a passport, «especially clever and competent» and some will not invent the alternative mixed Russian-Byelorussian variant, will not yet meet. Here and prove then, that it all one of you, but not camel.
And in addition, there are yet and patronymics (written with the special appearance the name of father of this man) in our passports, also, by the way, on two languages - on Russian and on Byelorussian. But patronymics for us written only in official records, and in the English variant in the Byelorussian passports of patronymics it is not in general, only the names and last names.
The same for us mess and with Byelorussian geography. For example, Aльгова (Byelorussian variant), Ольгово (Russian variant) And how to translate on English Alhova or Olgovo?
After such Byelorussian confusion prove then that you about opposition events talked a lot nothing, and it is simple such features of Byelorussian national geography.
In addition and yet and in the Byelorussian language we have two directions: «наркамаwка» (more near to to Russian) and «тарашкевіца» (more near to to Polish).
In the Latin variants for us two directions are also present: one direction is taken and adapted under the Byelorussian variant from English, and the second is taken under the Byelorussian variant from Polish. Here and turns out for us, that everybody writes, as wants, such for us linguistic situation.
In short, as Lukashenko talks approximately: «For us who, as wants, that talks» so, So that I am sorry for a certain mess in my this story.
I am an opposition activist. Alas, in present Byelorussian opposition very much a lot of quarrels, at what wicked and hard. These negative phenomena take a place, both into parties and between parties. And this bad phenomenon in our Byelorussia very much. On 95%, at least, our Byelorussian opposition contests not with power, but between itself. And I participate in the measures of different opposition political parties and motions which like me. It in democratic America can and must be a few and a lot of parties and public organizations. And when at parties and public organizations, except for those which are directly created power, there is no way come to power, why in general such number of political parties from which personally I the real help and support, not nearly felt practically.
Further I will continue the recital of itself.
I am a bard. Participated as a bard in a number of musical festivals. «Lyawkі-2006», «Krapіwna 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007», «Holiday of wind in Alhova-2006». «Christmas meetings in the church of «Sainted Barbara 2006 and 2007». Festivals «Holiday of wind in Al'gova-2006» and «Krapіwna-2007» were up-diffused a militia, and me under an escort deported to Vitebsk. It I as early as distant 1995 together with the group of «Krama» came forward a year in the last concert on the area of Freedom in Vitebsk, whereupon the leadthrough of mass measures in this place was simply forbidden in general. And on Octobers, 24, 2003 and the decision of the Vitebskogo urban executive committee went out quite №820 «About the order of organization and leadthrough of mass measures in town Vitebsk». After this decision in Vitebsk for the leadthrough of mass measures took deaf and uninhabited corners on the outskirts of city of Vitebsk, and the leadthrough of opposition measures on the area of Freedom was forbidden.
I played it on a guitar on the area of Freedom in Vitebsk after presidential to elect of 2006, for what was detained a militia and got the first administrative previous conviction (fine in size of 620000 Byelorussian roubles).
It I in that 2006 to the year, when militiamen from Vitebsk tried secretly from us to take out known Kryscіnu Shacіkavu, on complete ходу jumped on a back seat in the passenger car of Vol'gі Karach and Alega Barshchewskaga at first bespattered the son, and then jumped. Son I yet had time to bespatter, and already jumped very abortively. Here and such picture turned out we fly on all of ходу after militiamen, here my the head, hands and trunk in a booth, and feet in the street. It very was yet lucky me, that on a back seat in this car was well trained Paval Levіnaw. Therefore, pulled up by the hands, so tightened in the machine of Levіnavym, we succeeded to immerse me in a machine wholly and to shut the a door to. Here such for us went out trick, yielding to no Hollywood tricks. Though this trick is not present on tape, but rumour about him already carried widely, both on Byelorussia and after its limits. Much who of people of which I do not even know, meeting with me ask me: «And, you the same, which a trick did with a machine! We know, heard!»
In addition I was exposed to political pursuits and for participating in other measures. Except for an administrative court in March 2006 I yet was twice exposed to the administrative court. In April 2007 for participating in measures, related to «Chernobyl'skim a way», and in October 2007 for participating in mention measures about the victims of political repressions near the country of Palyai, not far from Vitebsk. I appealed the last court decision of court of the Vitebskogo district at first in the Vitebskom regional court which left the decision of district court in force. Then I appealed this decision of regional court in the Supreme court, but Supreme Court also left the decisions of district and regional courts in force. So, that as visible all of the system is bad on the whole, including judicial, but not some its separate part in a militia or in a court. Now I intend to search defence in international organizations. on April, 9 to my friend, an answer came витебскому lawdefenderу for me from Committee on human rights, from Geneva, concerning my complaint about my defainment in Paleyakh, this complaint we sent together with him. A number is appropriated this business 1772/2008, on March, 20. It is talked in this document, that my complaint is accepted to consideration. Consideration of business proceeds now, multilateral correspondence goes. From Committee on human of UNO rights two papers came me related to consideration of this business. Now for me in this business already whole three documents from Committee on human of UNO rights.
I have three administrative previous convictions; three fines on a lump sum in size of 1395000 Byelorussian roubles; two times and sat in Vitebsky of IVS (insulator of temporal maintenance); and about an amount simple detention and deportations me I lost a count. I was the last time exposed to the administrative court at the end of October 2007 only because since then I already in general quite absolutely do nothing and organize nothing.
It I swearing a half a hour with the employees of the special troops in Vitebsk broke through on кастинг the «Steep boys-2007» and all the same broke through there. True farther that кастинга in Vitebsk I was kept out by a former in a judge untalented mother Ksenii Sitnik Svetlana Stacenko. As the saying goes: «And judges who?» Calms me circumstance that on Windows underlines its last name, as unknown. And except for everything other, Svetlana Statsenko also did not conquer «Gremmi» and on it was not more «Scarlet than glory of stars» of star of Svetlana Statsenko, it is not, and it will be never, as for all of this presence the main is needed is talent, originality, independence (ability to give the talent people, but not to attend power), magic of attraction et cetera. And all of it for Svetlany Stacenko it quite is not alas. This person fully untalented, but to arrogance and force even more than for Madonna and Dzheniffer Lopes of together taken.
By the way, it exactly me that our Vitebsky department of culture also concretely recovered me oxygen in the plan of appearances. How and why?
At first, for my frank and free appearance on the day of workers of culture of Byelorussia in the city center of culture of city of Vitebsk in October, 2006. There I quoted the words of the known trumpeter Karlosa Sandavalya: «My talent from God, but not from Fidel». Declared that art not must serve, but it must simply be. And similarly, that in music there are not bad styles and directions and that every musical direction has a right on life.
Secondly, for my agitation of cultural workers straight on a conference in the city department of culture. So on this conference at once a few persons declared from the витебского city department of culture, that they would not with me co-operate, while I will not break off to play the chanson in place of folk music and will not halt antistate activity. What I answered them on: «But as as though you with me to it did co-operate?! From that whatever you wake with me to co-operate me will become neither hot nor coldly. I all to it did and after it will do. you to me however wake so did not help to help after it to it. For you personally I asked nothing». In addition I now actively do not agree with position of витебского city department of culture which now legally liquidates a few shallow cultural points, creating on their base one large cultural holding under the management of the known director of витебского city center of culture and festival «The Slavonic market» Rodiona Bassa. At first, it not that other, as an attempt of the state to drive in including culture under single state administration and service. And, secondly now a creative career in Vitebsk in a great deal will depend on the personal mutual relations and likings of Bassa. Good for you mutual relations of Bassom, you are liked to him – will come forward, it is not – will not come forward.
Except for it our Vitebsky bardic club being in the direct legal submission of all that витебского city department of culture does not skip me on none of annually passing in Vitebsk festivals «The Gold falling of leaves». Although on the selection rounds of this festival I came practically always. About the leadthrough of these selection rounds I knew as a rule from the televisional advertising which passed on the local витебским TV channels. In addition, promised me yet old guidance of all that bardic club to organize solo bardic appearance in a club. The telephone numbers they did not leave me, but took a my home telephone number, where I in a that temporal period lived constantly, and promised necessarily to ring up Both promised and forgot. For two years from this bardic club concerning this appearance acted me not a single phone call from this bardic club. In 2007 guidance of club to old-age in full strength decided to submit resignation. In a club, to elect took a place allegedly. On position of chairman of this bardic club on the basis of not having alternative (so for us at Lukashenko «choose» absolutely all) appointed a young girl which often socialized with former guidance of club. That in this club there were «to elect» I knew from one the friend in a week after their leadthrough. Above that the Vitebsky club of bards constantly could not find me I laugh. I in town Vitebsk of persons known and at a desire to find me would not be difficult. When something needs someone from me, both me not looking on all of difficulties related to my search find find very quickly, but as something needs me or here does not find certainly. Now in Byelorussia in general to win a victory not any to elect yet greater fantasy, what on the tractor of «Belarus» to fly so far to the moon. At first the amount of elective offices in Byelorussia at Lukashenko becomes all less than and less than. And secondly to elect now in Byelorussia simply shut out, even as a candidate. Does not create the illusion of democracy even, that heavens forbid not to lose. Practically all of public to elect now pass only at presence of one candidate on selectable position. And if candidate on selectable position not one, but two and anymore (although more than two candidates on present public to elect in Byelorussia I do not recall in general), all of both candidates strict are candidates from power, present power and already to these to elect hold imperious positions.
And next new. on February, 15, 2009 in Vitebsk a selection round will take a place to the festival of Byelorussian creation. As I saw from the televisional advertising, on this festival it is needed will present some original song the not Byelorussian language. About, I have very much this good. But these selection in the Byelorussian cities rounds will pass in many cities of Byelorussia under the management of city departments of culture. Thus in my town Vitebsk is the same Vitebsky city department of culture. I necessarily will try to turn up on this festival. But very interestingly me, will the all that Vitebsky city department of culture skip me, after all of that was between you and me, me even on selection part of this festival?
I similarly have a row of other complaints about the Byelorussian public organs in which I similarly signed answers for these complaints.
From the last the exploits against the system of Lukashenko will mark a fight only, that this in winter on the head of my son from the roof of child's musical school №4 cities of Vitebsk where he studies to play on фортепиано, a very large block fallen down from snow and ice. From the serious traumas of my son rescued two things only: peak on a porch before included in building and that on him there was very good a cap is strong, such approximately, as a tank crew member helmet for the soccer goalkeeper of «Chelsi» Peter Chekha. It was yet lucky him, that this block, hitting the peak of porch not collapsed all of the mass on him, but struck on him as fragments. But as a result he for this winter was three times ill cold diseases.
Main problem of present situation in Byelorussia in that the most enormous part of financing of the Vitebskoy culture goes to the festival «The Slavonic market». That we simply very generously feed very large family the Russian singer Ally Pugachevoy and other not poor performers. And about the necessity of education of the children forget in general for us. Thus the present Byelorussian state fights actively, wishing lackadaisical parents to educate the children. But to my mind is perfect foolishly and unavailing company, as the present Byelorussian state self and presents such here examples of lackadaisical attitude.
About this incident I similarly wrote and already took a complaint in the Vitebsky city department of culture, concerning position of safety of children and horrific position of children at this school. I took this complaint of 29.01.2009. There this my complaint was entertained under a registration number: №01-26/7-Б. Although again sure that nothing other, except for confirmation of the appearance of enemy of the Byelorussian people, I from this business will not purchase similarly. And I quite disbelieve in some considerable changes. But it is necessary to notice that already 30.01.2009 after my complaint they rang up all of our my folks, took interest, what happened all the same, and there as my kid lives. For what I them in a public-call talk in oral similarly expressed them the return gratitude, that business at last was moved from a dead centre.
Although in the morning on it was February, 4, 2009 (approximately about 9 o'clock of morning) called from my parents to the waiting room of the Vitebskogo city department of culture, called me to the telephone and reported that an answer for my complaint is ready. I came there and as appeared, I in general there hardly there who found answered me. As I wrote this complaint of Kibisov, that took across it Boyarincevu, and that Medvedskomu, which is responsible for the questions of technical exploitation of establishments which are in the submission of the Vitebskogo city department of culture. Except for it in our Vitebsk there is another public agent on the last name of Medvedskiy. That other Medvedskiy is directors of Vitebskogo «City light» which my father works under the direction of. Possibly they and brothers, because on age they similarly befit each other in brothers.
But, taking the complaint, I yet and personally talked with Medvedskim from a culture.
From positive Medvedski is responsible from a culture on my complaint, it is possible to draw that:
At first, work was conducted with guidance of school.
Secondly, it is written, that from the side the department of culture appealed with a request to build organizations cities of Vitebsk, which have motor-car towers, to give a help in cleaning up child's musical schools.
Thirdly, in this complaint how many money is similarly indicated it was selected on maintenance of Vitebskoy musical school №4. In 2008 on repair of classes of this musical school used up 70.000.000 Byelorussian roubles (course again 2.800 Byelorussian roubles for one dollar of the USA, it turns out thus (70.000.000 to divide on 2.800 25.000 dollars of the USA are evened). It is talked similarly, that plan this work. And yet, from their writing answer, on preparation of school to educational New Year 47.000.000 Byelorussian roubles are selected (47.000.000 will divide on 2800 and will get 16.785,7 dollars of the USA).
Fourthly, once again gratitude was expressed me for an anxiety about our children and once again asked forgiveness for a happening incident.
However, neither in this answer for my complaint nor in my verbal conversation with Medvedskim from a culture I so did not know how many state money in present Byelorussia leaves on financing of that festival «The Slavonic market», what to compare it with that how many it is expended in children.
Thus Medvedskiy from a culture, similarly complained me, that very устал, that he already needed to finish off two years to the pension. What did I notice him on, and that to me and to do my son? To me yet only 34, and to my son yet only 8 years. Therefore to us to the pension yet very far. A pension for men in Byelorussia comes in 60 years, if they do not have foreseen the Byelorussian legislation of years. And in addition, you are so much years, on how many you feel itself.
And yet I reminded Medvedskomu from a culture, that our Byelorussian soccer club «BATE» from a city Borisova this year not simply got in League of Champions, but yet and very deservingly played there in a group round with «Juventus» (Turin), «Real» (Madrid) and «Zenith» (Saint Petersburg). It besides, that «BATE» was the poorest club of this League of Champions. A total cost of all of players of «BATE» was 5.000.000 dollars of the USA. On the second place there was «Anartosis» from Cyprus. A total cost of his players was in three times higher and made 15.000.000 dollars of the USA. About the budgets of competitors of «BATE» on the group stage of League of Champions «Juventus» (Turin), «Real» (Madrid) and «Zenith» (Saint Petersburg) I am quiet in general, because it is even terrible to think about them. And yet more frightful to think of budgets of «BATE» in comparison them again with the budget of «BATE». However this example rotined, what having quite small budget, but conducting a correct administrative policy on the business, it is possible to obtain and very even serious results.
Well as to you such attitude toward children in present Byelorussia. In this question it would follow us to learn at Israel, where attitude toward the children, including from the side of the state, quite another. No, whatever talk, and to lead the second child in present Byelorussia I will not be for anything!!! Present Byelorussia reminds me Byelorussia a maximum of beginning 20 ages, when including medicine yet was not developed a man, including child, could die of any most not difficult illness. Therefore then people gave birth a lot of children, on principle who will survive, that will survive. So, as see, Byelorussia and in this relation did not move up farther than beginning of the pas 20 ages.
True, they to me yet this in winter, вскорости after this incident, when I drove a son to musical school reported to me, that the roof of musical school was cleaned.
And next new. on February, 15, 2009 in Vitebsk took a place selection round to the festival of Byelorussian creation. As I saw from the televisional advertising, on this festival it is needed will present some original song the not Byelorussian language. About, I have very much this good. These selection rounds passed in many cities of Byelorussia under the management of city departments of culture. Thus in my town Vitebsk is the same Vitebsky city department of culture. I walked and on this measure, however shut out I was even to the selection round.
By the way, after my statement and abortively conducted concert to the day of women of March, 8, 2009, Kibisov was discharged from the post of chief of department of culture of city of Vitebsk. But it not nearly surprises me. And from where in present town Vitebsk there will be a good concert, if the Vitebsky city department of culture, does not give to come forward nobody, whoever is written into the scopes of the system. And here I do not feed illusions, that some globally large changes and changes will happen with changing of Kibisov, as unchanging, as unchanging is existing now in Byelorussia system.
The same problems are cause the permanent failure of Byelorussia, which takes a place every year. One only one time our Byelorussian performer Dmitry Koldun got in the finale of this competition, where it took the sixth place there. He succeeded it to obtain, due to that he is alike the not lost princess Diana. It moved to pity the hearts of voting Europeans. However our other attempts, which carried out Angelica Agurbash, Paulina Smolova, Ruslan Alekhno and Peter Elfimov and quite ended with a full failure. We flew by a finale, as plywood above Paris. It is named, that neigh, you other was not seen yet.
But here is another interesting detail. On this «Eurovision» of 2009 Peter Elfimov came forward from Byelorussia. And from Norway another Byelorussia came forward Rybak. It is named, feel a difference. A Rybak and number rotined much better what Elfimov, and yet Rybak played on a violin. And he wrote a song which Rybak sang. The result of all of it, Rybak, in a difference from Elfimova, got in the finale of competition «Eurovision». And, if Rybak will win a victory on this competition, by the Byelorussian state mass medias, as usual, this fact will be presented, as large victory of Byelorussia which all of the Byelorussian state system worked on. Will find even some singing master from child's garden Rybak walked in which. Will not forget similarly to mention and about the enormous personal contribution to victory of Byelorussian Norwegian of Rybak of President of Republic of Byelorussia Alexandra Grigory Lukashenko. Will you forgive me, but at what here Byelorussia? Possibly talent of Rybak and was got at birth in Byelorussia. But that from this rumour, if was not a fellow in Byelorussia claimed? In Byelorussia his talent disappeared in general, as пропали in Byelorussia talents already very much many people. Sure, Norway claimed and exposed talent of fellow. So it will be clean victory of Norway. And it has nothing Byelorussia to try to dress on itself the quite undeserved for it laurel chaplet of victory.
Except for it, as on present «Eurovision» very much a lot of countries presented very strong participants: for a performer from Germany on dances Dita background Yew, at England very strong command, Patrisia Kaas sings from France. It is needed it was and to Byelorussia together with Peter Elfimovym to send and Lukashenko with a bayan. Then exactly Byelorussia in a finale, got at least. At least, it was desirable all once again to look appearances at such original.
I specially changed nothing in this story to you about «Eurovision» and Rybak, as wrote it the appeal, just in days passing of «Eurovision». you will disbelieve, but my words about Rybak appeared prophetic. A Rybak indeed won a victory on «Eurovision 2009». I do the prognoses, to greater part on the basis of the self-weighted and comprehensive analysis of situation. And appearance of Rybak was talked for itself. And interesting, that Rybak went round all of very steep, famous and strong performers.
But here, I continue, at all of my very positive attitude toward Rybak, and gladness, that Byelorussia won over, I count this victory of Byelorussian not at all. It is victory of Norway and only to Norway. Byelorussia simply lost another from the numerous diamonds which it is thrown about constantly. Thus is belongs, to both the now above-ground people and to characters of history.
All of people in present Byelorussia, both people above-ground now and personalias of Byelorussian history, cultures, arts et cetera, are divided on «honest» and on «dishonest». As a result of this policy we have the French figure Stepped, German figure Bykava, Polish figures of Kastyushka, Manyushka, Dunin-marcinkevich, Aginski, Lithuanian Sapega et cetera. Now what next and the Norwegian performer appeared Rybak. Think, that for such these entire countries will say us only thank you. And in our museums one only caps of брыль from a straw.
In fact Rybak at the conference of news after the victory on a question from a hall: «That did that you by birth from Byelorussia give you?» quite logically answered approximately following: «In a spiritual plan very much, in political absolutely nothing». I fully with him agree.
Overlooked Byelorussia of the fellow, without every questions. And it is a solitary not instance, but tendency in present Byelorussia.
Yes, Rybak left to Norway together with the parents, when it was him four favour. But it is named left, and all is perfect about him forgot. That in Byelorussia in general did hear of Rybak to his victory on «Eurovision»? And even I about him nothing to this his triumph heard nothing. A Rybak to Byelorussia was not invited on any competition or concert. Now already, during the translation of «Eurovision» Alexander Tikhanovich threatened to bring Rybak to Vitebsk on a festival «Slavonic Market». It is so desirable to ask: «People, and where were you before?» Now it looks out not more than attempt to invite a lighting star to Byelorussia. But this star lighted quite without every participation from the side of Byelorussia.
Thus, I will notice yet, that Rybak had the command with which he appeared on the stage of «Eurovision» yet and. And this command, already without every questions Norwegian, as in Norway, in a difference from present Byelorussia, value the truly talented people, in a difference from present Byelorussia, where people are valued only on words. This fact confirms that, how actively at the conference of news the command of Rybak swung the Norwegian flag yet and. And it is perfect reasonably and correctly. Pleasantly loves a country which loves you. Not to wave the command of Rybak by the red-green flag of Lukashenko, which for this victory absolutely did nothing.
Thus, will notice that Lukashenko yet and very lucky man. Success to his actions often in general comes not to understand from where. At what, for these successes of Lukashenko did nothing, and he simply reaps these successes.
Here to you which confirm examples these facts.
Not so a long ago, when the Russian hockey goalkeeper Khabibullin, taking in composition one of clubs NKHL Cup of Stanly, suddenly, by then, that is fixed him, drove this trophy not to itself on Motherland to Russia, and brought him to Minsk, from where by birth his wife. Will notice thus, that Khabibullin, being the goalkeeper of the hockey combined team of Russia, did not conduct not a single match for hockey collapsible Byelorussia. So what attitude toward the greatest success of Khabibullina has Byelorussia I will not understand in general.
Or case with victory of Rybak on «Eurovision» for which Byelorussia, to his victory similarly did nothing.
Such here wonders take a place with Lukashenko. And here the Byelorussian state mass medias give all of these wonders yet and, as a result of fruitful activity of all of the Byelorussian system and personally President of Republic Byelorussia Alexandra Grigory Lukashenko. Such here worked wonder in present Byelorussia.
But will return from skies to Earth, that to the real severe realities of present Byelorussia. Problem of regular unsuccessful appearance on a competition exactly of Republic Byelorussia «Eurovision» the same, as well as that, why and Kibisov appeared bad concert on March, 8. Present Byelorussian authorities do not give to come forward disagreeable for them performers. And such performers are in Byelorussia. And a misfortune is in that, that many very talented performers in present Byelorussia do not maintain the onslaught of power. Many of them or simply conclude the activity. On principle, does keep out one time, why it is necessary me? And many yet and here begin to drink, thinking that one time it is not given them to come forward, it means that they do not have talent. They, does not understand unfortunately, that business is not nearly in them. I know, very much a lot of talented musicians which спились and about their fate now to me nothing it is known. But a drunkenness – it in general the general issue of present Byelorussia where no hope is on normal life.
Not so a long ago my comrade died of cardiac attack Vitebsky musician guitarist Sergey Romanenko. He similarly repeatedly complained me on that, how it is not given him to come forward, as here very him, as he experiences for it. At what, in a difference from me he presented for present Byelorussian power a danger only one – by the talent. In fact Sergey Romanenko in music was a very good guitarist which played instrumental things only. No songs, in a difference from me, he did not write. And nevertheless to him it, alas, did not help.
Simply present Byelorussian power reminds me dolts on прополке. Which was shown out to weed and they seeing all of green plants which grow from grey earth. And weed it or useful plant or dolts it is not nearly important. A problem is simply in that to due to such прополки of present Byelorussian power Byelorussia became all by sulphur. In fact every plucked-up from earth rare, necessary and useful plant, similarly as well as man, they are not replenishable.
Most present authorities, including in creation, to be afraid of originality. One time of persons is original, went out for some scopes, it frightens the system already. As one Byelorussian woman sings author and performer Taccyana Belanohaya, creation of which I very love: «Talented, the dangerous means». Very talented Taccjana Belanohaja, similarly is put it mildly not in honour at present Byelorussian power. Well and those submissive and quiet performers to which in Byelorussia let to come forward, they are deprived every talent and originality. Therefore their appearances are at very low level. Europe estimate the Byelorussian untalented bootlickers truly to deservedly. What they places deserve really, such they in Europe and occupy. If it in general can be named placed.
Thus, the estimation of the Byelorussian state mass and competition «Eurovision» and appearance on him of Byelorussia medias straight depends on a that place which Byelorussia occupied. As soon as Dmitry Koldun took the high sixth place, there were such estimations: «About, successful appearance on such prestige, difficult and authoritative competition et cetera». And when Angelica Agurbash, Paulina Smolova, Ruslan Alekhno and Peter Elfimov, did not give even in a finale, such estimation went each time: «Well, that it in general for a competition? The same is simple competition of house-owners». The same is simple a show, where it is not known that will emerge». House-owners, electricians, сантехники and handballers, estimate the competition of singers». Et cetera. Whew, and that guilty, as it all is performers of very low-level, it does not want to acknowledge in present Byelorussia.
I will not name the names of the Byelorussian women of performers, even not to do them the undeserved by them advertising, will say only one, that so far them to American, English and other marvels, as our planet is distant Earth from the remotest from it stars. Therefore to the present Byelorussian performers which are settled present Byelorussian power, they, from the hack, will never appear on more scarlet than glory of stars in the USA.
And after all of it it is not needed to be surprised why discharged the chief of the Vitebskogo city department of culture of Kibisov, including for the unsuccessful concert of March, 8, 2009. And with whom to do a successful concert, if in present Byelorussia such the perverted situation turns out here.
I am exposed to in Byelorussia pursuits yet and for that I defend rights for invalids and people with the limited possibilities, as I am a person with the limited possibilities. For me eyes hurry from birth, there is not a correction of both eyes, in this connection for me very bad sight. Because for me eyes hurry wherever I came me practically asked at once: «you are a drug addict, alcoholic or and that, et al». On this account one of teachers of VGU the name of P. M. Masherov at first not even shut out me on a test, true after after a test knowing what is the matter so much was sorry, asked me to come for handing over of test tomorrow. And on a test, and then and on examination was to me loyal. From my bad sight I also was not taken on work, speaking me here: «And suddenly you because see badly, anything in this work will skip».
Yet because I constantly worked on physically fags, health for me already it is not practically. From the as heavy as lead life in Byelorussia I remember the amount of traumas, the same as and amount of the detentions, only approximately, because both that et al it was very much for me. Therefore I remember the amount of the traumas on principle that most disturbs me now.
At first, I have similarly problems with the back, when I потягаю weights, therefore I to carry weights does not can already.
Secondly, when I one time digging a potato carried two heavy baskets with a potato, got a right foot in a fossula in earth and a right knee which me now disturbs similarly crunched very abortively for me.
List other my traumas and sores will be very long, therefore I was stopped only for those which in this period disturb me most. As talked about me one of my numerous chiefs which I had: «Round you the laws of physics do not operate». It is a true, therefore on physically heavy and trauma of dangerous, working me is contra-indicated. Only one from the traumas, break of right arm, I got playing football. All of other traumas were got by me on physically fags.
I have me and another trauma which me similarly definitely not strongly, but disturbs. During that, how I was detained by two fighters of Byelorussian detachment of militia of the special setting of city of Vitebsk, as early as 1994, one of these fighters, as he then appeared Igor and Beshenkovichey, fisted me in a breast. This trauma certain discomfort similarly delivered me and delivers. But true then, after a trial, me, not drawing the record even, released. Then did not simply drive me, that then I was with a girl not very much clever and, to my mind, even not adequate. Due to it, I and was detained. But the Byelorussian militia, both then and now, sometimes beats at first, and then understands. It just as recently in Vitebsk by the employees of militia was well-trodden and killed doctor. It in America or in France people after beating of people the employees of police smash police-stations, and in Byelorussia with the submissive Byelorussian people a militia creates everything that will want. Will want will simply detain, and will want here will beat yet and. By the way, why I memorized the that fighter of detachment of militia of the special setting of Igor from Beshenkovich. Although I with him personally am not acquainted, but I and he, as at once in a that incident turned out, countrymen. As Beshenkovichi are in 25 kilometres from that the country where I borned. This country even is in Beshenkovicheskom district. He did not simply put to death me quite exactly on it, and then began to understand.
So for the heavy physical loadings I am not absolutely suitable. Really, what only to play football. Because when I go out on the soccer field or on the stage, all of my sores disappear instantly.
But here to you facts, which very eloquently talking about a relation in Byelorussia to the people with the limited possibilities which I always straight talk about, for what I again am not very loved by Byelorussian authorities. We will consider for an example a city Vitebsk, which I live in. In this town practically there are not rampants on streets, in shops, in a public transport so further. And in our town Vitebsk of these rampants the simply counted units. And this negative tradition goes for us yet from times of Soviet Union. What idiots in general did think of neither in a 3 floor, neither in a 4 floor nor even in 5 floor houses in general not to build elevators? Otherwise as moral invalids, invalids on a head, will not name them. Here and survive, as want invalids, old men and people which raise little children. Do I understand that problem with absence of elevators in houses reached us in an inheritance from Soviet Union and correcting it is very problematic, but problem it is necessary how to decide with rampants?! This fact most eloquently confirms the shop of «Vest» in our town Vitebsk to address street K. Marksa house 15. There such high wooden steps and no rampants. Here and perch on them as want invalids, old men and people with children in carriages, engaged in physical education. And invalid which will be able to climb on all the same steps can be boldly sent from Byelorussia on parallel olympic games, at what it will be the real applicant on the gilded youth. Than to do rampants is it impossible in any way?! And such facts in our town Vitebsk and in Byelorussia the greatest great number. I made sure already, that in our Byelorussia not rampants, but hearts, are inundated power of propertied. Why in the civilized countries a situation is better. And because there a man knows well, that if he will be nothing to do or will badly carry out the duties, he will not be simply chosen on a next term next term. And that for us? And for us reign itself quietly and always and no to you problems, if only will not leave off President liked. Here all of these facts and there is the real social anxiety of the state which is named Republic Byelorussia, at once about all of task forces: invalids, old men, people which raise little children.
I want to mark that disability for me now is not present, as I was not engaged in its registration. As I do not consider itself an invalid. And I have certain physical problems, but for me am similarly and pluses which always need to be utillized all will be good and then. By the way, it is an appeal I similarly printed to the computer. Byelorussia – it to you not America, where people with the limited possibilities the same usual people and are in a position to live by valuable life. I as with the limited possibilities does not ask persons itself at the state absolutely to no help or pity to itself. I even in Byelorussia did not try to get and does not labour for itself disability and invalid pension. I simply from this state require only one: not help me, but also not mix. Enable me to do that I am the best of all able (engaged in creation, by journalism et cetera) and I will live without every humiliating handouts which in our state it needs itself yet and humbling oneself to get, constantly proving that a miracle did not happen and you did not begin to see clearly, and did not begin to see on everything 100%. But similar handouts in our state yet and for some reason very proudly named an address social help.
I do not complain and to you. I always привык to take no the notice on the sores, and not to walk on doctors. I simply want to have possibilities equal with healthy people, what in present Byelorussia I am not simply deprived.
There simply are not absolutely perfect people. Therefore, if man stronger physically, he means weaker intellectually, and if man stronger intellectually, he weaker physically. Such imperfect created us and God continues to create. I will say yet, that I must was die as early as three months of the life, as was was very heavily ill the fever of lungs. However much I survived. And since I stubbornly want to live and defend the right on deserving life such what I am. Simply absolutely everybody have the pluses and minuses. And it is needed simply to know the pluses and utillize them. It is vitally necessary thus, what a man yet and was in a position to utillize the pluses, what in a country there were possibilities for realization of any man. And that to do, if now in Byelorussia of such possibilities is not it? That to do if in present Byelorussia a cult prospers stand horse force. Now in Byelorussia use honour only sportsmen, militiamen, soldiery et cetera. I categorically with it not agree. Everybody must be honoured and valuable. In fact and each the dignities and failings. Really repeatedly glorified by me in this circulation militiamen of Shakhovich and Skarinovich better what my friend компьютерщик and yet much who Syarzhuk Serabro and I. No, I am categorically convinced, that they are very important both. Shakhovich and Skarinovich for a fight against criminality, and Serabro and I for the decision of other intellectual problems.
Thus, it is especially necessary to estimate the look of Lukashenko. His look characterizes Lukashenko very exactly. Lukashenko on everything and on all looks very severely and tensely, as if waits from all and each anything trouble in the address. It similarly very evidently and Lukashenko really characterizes.
By the way, in the that period of short freedom at the beginning of the ninety of the last century, when I studied in school of arts, when I could realize the pluses, do that able the best of all, I did not quite feel some limited man. Because I similarly was a valuable man, not looking on failings. On me similarly paid attention girl, at what very deserving, because then I could to a full degree to prove. Now alas all othergates. Now I only, as a that parrot Kesha from the animated film which itself simply in the street tried to sell, but nobody took him and he constantly wore away from the placard with the cost zeros.
I very agree yet, that sportsmen are healthy and invalids must practice in general groups.
At first, here invalids are not pounded in some separate enclave or reservation.
Secondly at that rate healthy and invalids teach each other lessons on overcoming of vital obstacles.
Yet I in 2008 very actively supported Georgia. About what I similarly below in this circulation will tell similarly.
Except for it Byelorussian authorities closed and newspapers of my friends in which I came forward as a journalist. Yet I very adore football, including to play him. I with the friends organized soccer mugs, as a result for us a very decent soccer command was formed, but also it was similarly grasped by a very sorrowful fate. It to you another confirmation that Lukashenko and there is a crisis, what a crisis is most frightful at.
In Byelorussia I as a hero of the known poem Mr. Tvister: «Mr. Tvister is a proprietor of factories, newspapers, steamships and millionaire». Only it almost all that, that Byelorussian power closed from our projects. And again it is the small part resulted in this circulation only. And millionaire I again on the number of the fines awarded me.
Possibly, it and badly, that I participate in such plenty of projects. But that yet remains to do. you embark on one project, he is closed by Byelorussian power. you embark on other project, he is again closed by Byelorussian power. And so for ever and ever. Such here in our Byelorussia an eternal crisis is created already in year one Lukashenko and his system.
To me personally my friends, friends and acquaintances, advise to go for meetings of BRSM and imperious structures of Vitebsk. Then Lukashenko and them necessarily will close similarly.
If in general to compare Lukashenko to the crisis, a crisis is better, as he not so is frightful. From Lukashenko many more projects and businesses were closed in Byelorussia, what from a crisis in the USA. But if to choose between a crisis and Lukashenko, I choose a crisis, as a crisis comes and leaves, and Lukashenko in Byelorussia eternal, immortal.
Other nonsenses are enough in Byelorussia. For example, I recently from the program of news of витебской televisional company «SCYTHIAN» heard that now at витебской middle school №21, where we similarly organized a soccer group now soldiery cadet patriotic classes. I understand now, why we so with application were survived from that school, and my friend which there worked as a teacher passed to work as a teacher in VGU the name of P. of M. of Masherov. To me now clearly why us so with application from there tried to «clean» out and clean. At first, who need in a place where such classes are created free-thinkers and informal people like us. And secondly, to whom in general, except for us was our football there needed?! Now in Byelorussia all only must walk and march a line-up. And this history similarly once again confirms circumstance that now in Byelorussia can exist only those projects which come from from a desire and looks to life of nowaday Byelorussian power.
About what in general it is possible to talk, if to quite recent time even hike with a nosegay for example to the monument of Karatkevichu, which is in the deaf uninhabited public garden of city of Vitebsk, even in the day of birth of author, and the more so reading of verses near a monument, can make off that you will be detained a militia.
Here far incomplete list my so to say performing, so to say only little apex of iceberg. Because complete collection of my very interesting adventures and businesses in Byelorussia will pull at on the whole collected works. Thus each of books will have very much a lot of pages in every book, and books, that volumes, similarly it will be very much. As compared to it the scenario of the known American serial «Санта-Барбара» will show oneself a little brochure. And if to take off a serial on these events. As compared to him all that «Санта-Барбара» will show oneself a very little short film. But here this new serial would be considerably more interesting, as he far sharper and expressions and speeds.
Will mark although, that I do not love serials in general, does not carry simply categorically. I can look those serials yet, when each time separate series or when serial of very small, a maximum of cerouss twenty and he is very tense, with in a number of action, overcrowded what be going on events. And to look, as 150 cerouss, at the best, and even a few thousand cerouss, as in that «Санта-Барбара» the love experiencing go and every talks go but about what, I do not very love such.
From these problems I even had to divorce with my former wife, what the Byelorussian militia and KGB was similarly instrumental in. How many dirt outpoured me on my former wife representatives the only one Byelorussian militias. Thus they told me constantly: «And why is all of it necessary you? you need not this, but other woman. you are married on a simple woman, simply work, lead with stand by a woman more children, and you will halt engaged in nonsense». Further from them I heard full absurdity, that I need such woman, that it controlled me. I declared always firmly in reply to it, that I above all things need a woman not that which controlled me, but which loved me, and control personally me and so very much a lot of high-up militia chiefs: Shakhovich, Prokopovich, Skarinovich, Popko, Kalinovskiy, Lelenko et al, however married on none of them I not going.

А так же :

Время не лечит.Лечит алкоголь и случайные знакомства,лечат секунды,проведенные с

История этой ведущей банды норвежского блэк-металла началась в 1991 году, когда сошлись вместе два подростка – 14-летний Ихсан (Вегард Сверр Твейтан; вокал, гитара) и 15-летний Самот (Томас Тормодсатер Хауген; ударные). Вообще-то знакомы они были уже давно и имели за плечами опыт работы в других группах, последней из которых была "Thou shalt suffer".

Супервизия в системе дополнительного психологического обучения.
Шмойлова Марина Сергеевна, преподаватель ИПК "Теменос" Санкт-Петербург Развитие психологической, психотерапевтической и консультативной деятельности в России предполагает становление и расширение супервизорской работы. Супервизорство - "наставничество" должно быть направлено на формирование профессионального мастерства психологов-консультантов и психотерапевтов.

Безоаровый козел
Capra aegagrus Отряд Парнокопытные - Artiodactyla Семейство Полорогие - Bovidae СТАТУС. Исчезающие виды (I категория) Ареал обитания   Находящийся на грани исчезновения вид с очень ограниченным в пределах России ареалом. Длина тела 100 см. Распространение. Ареал безоарового козла за последние десятилетия сильно сократился (1, 2).

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